Windstrom Flex - der dynamische Stromtarif der Prokon-Genossenschaft
Wer seinen Stromverbrauch flexibel planen möchte, hat mit dem Angebot eines dynamischen Stromtarifs gute Karten. Warum? Kurz gesagt: Als Stromkunde oder -kundin eines dynamischen Tarifs hast du die Möglichkeit, von niedrigen Börsenstrompreisen zu profitieren und deinen Verbrauch dann zu reduzieren, wenn die Preise an der Börse höher sind. Statt eines fixen Abschlags zahlst du eine monatliche Rechnung, die sich nach deinem Verbrauch und dem durchschnittlichen Börsenstrompreis des Monats richtet.
100% green energy
Even with our dynamic electricity price, we supply 100% wind power from our own wind farms. No matter what electricity price you end up paying at the end of the month – it benefits the expansion of renewable energy.
You have it in your hands.
Check the current market price, plan your consumption, and benefit from price advantages. Through smart management of your electricity usage, you can take advantage of lower electricity prices, avoid expensive ones, and optimise energy usage.
Everything in view
In our energy portal, you can always keep an eye on the hourly fluctuating electricity prices on the market as well as your current consumption, allowing you to respond flexibly.
Our dynamic electricity tariff allows you – in combination with an intelligent metering system – to have hourly billing linked to the stock market price. It is important to note that stock market electricity prices can both fall below and rise above a fixed electricity price.
In the first month, for the transition to the dynamic tariff, a fixed energy price will initially be charged. If you're unsure whether a dynamic tariff is right for you, feel free to give it a try. You can cancel the tariff on a monthly basis if needed and, for example, opt for a fixed-price tariff with a price guarantee.
Find your offer for the dynamic electricity tariff here:
With a classic green electricity product, you receive a fixed price per kilowatt hour for a specific contract term, along with a monthly base fee. Based on your annual consumption, a monthly advance payment is initially calculated, which is then usually reconciled with the actual electricity consumption in the annual bill. In other words, you control your costs primarily through the choice of electricity tariff and the amount of energy you consume overall. It’s different with a dynamic tariff:
The graphic shows the progression of electricity prices on 26 April 2024. With the dynamic electricity tariff, you have the option to use devices with high electricity consumption during the hours when the electricity price is low (green line). For example, by scheduling your washing machine to run at cheaper times.
No matter which of our tariffs you choose: We supply you with 100% wind power from our own wind farms in Germany.
Hourly billing of consumption
Benefit from low exchange electricity prices
Monthly cancellable
Plannable expenses thanks to fixed monthly discount
Annual billing based on the reading of the electricity meter
Price guarantee
As a company, reduce CO₂ emissions?
Certified: TÜV Nord and OK-Power-Plus
Electricity from Prokon wind turbines
Image boost with active climate protection
A good reason to opt for a dynamic electricity tariff is the potential cost savings: during periods of low demand in the energy market, the electricity price under dynamic tariffs can be lower. Consumers who adjust their energy usage habits and shift their energy-intensive activities to these periods can save significant amounts of money.
In addition to the great opportunity to save energy and costs through conscious consumption, a dynamic electricity tariff also carries risks. Due to the link to market prices, monthly costs depend heavily on the general price trends in the market and directly impact customers of a dynamic electricity tariff – both in the case of price reductions and increases. Short-term high prices, for example due to bottlenecks in electricity generation, will have an immediate effect under a dynamic tariff, whereas their impact on a traditional tariff may diminish over time or only come into effect later.
The dynamic tariff is particularly suitable for you if you use electricity to power high-consumption devices, such as an electric car or a heat pump. With Prokon Windstrom Flex, you can control their electricity consumption individually. For example, you can shift your charging times for the electric car to periods with low electricity exchange prices and consume only the necessary amount of electricity during periods with higher prices. To make full use of the advantages of a dynamic electricity tariff, you will need a modern measuring device, known as an intelligent metering system. Your metering point operator is responsible for all questions related to your electricity meter. You can find your metering point operator, among other places, on your electricity bill.
In Germany, there are various types of meters, such as analogue and digital electricity meters. While the analogue meter (Ferraris meter) operates purely mechanically – meaning it cannot send any data – the digital meter (also called mMe, or modern metering device) can already handle this digitally. Combined with a smart meter gateway, the modern metering device then becomes an ‘intelligent metering system’. The iMSys can read data and transmit it using a data transmission technology.
The term 'smart meter' is sometimes used synonymously with the intelligent metering system.
With a dynamic tariff, it is possible to generate hourly billing at the current electricity market price when used in conjunction with an intelligent metering system (iMSys). Your metering point operator is responsible for all questions regarding your electricity meter. You can find your metering point operator, among other places, on your electricity bill.
Our Prokon Wind Power Flex can be used both with and without an intelligent metering system.
With an iMSys (intelligent metering system):
To benefit from billing based on hourly intervals, you need an intelligent metering system. This system must be configured to record consumption values at the supply point every 15 minutes and transmit them automatically.
Without an iMSys (intelligent metering system):
If the technical prerequisites at your supply point are not yet in place, we will calculate your energy consumption based on the nationwide standard load profile for 'households'. Please note that without an intelligent metering system, shifting your consumption to night-time hours will not affect your electricity costs.
The purchase price of electricity is passed on to customers on a 1:1 basis with the dynamic electricity tariff. If the price on the electricity exchange temporarily falls, your electricity price will also decrease. Conversely, it will increase if the short-term exchange prices rise. The price applicable at the time of consumption on the electricity exchange EPEX Spot Day-Ahead is used for the monthly billing. Like all electricity tariffs, the dynamic tariff also includes a fixed cost component consisting of government levies, charges, taxes, and the provider's fixed costs.
For the first month of your electricity supply, you pay a fixed energy price. During this period, the technical prerequisites for accessing dynamic electricity, such as the availability of a smart metering system, are checked. If the technical requirements are met, the flexible tariff phase begins in the second month of your supply. The hourly changing price on the electricity exchange is used to calculate your electricity cost based on your respective consumption. At the end of each month, billing is done according to the consumption at the respective prices. Unlike standard tariffs, there is no fixed monthly advance payment; instead, each month is billed precisely based on consumption.
By the way: Prokon Windstrom Flex is a monthly product – if it turns out that a dynamic tariff doesn’t suit your usage behaviour, you can always switch to a standard tariff on short notice, such as our classic Prokon wind energy.
No, with a dynamic electricity tariff, you do not have a fixed payment instalment, so a standing order does not make sense. A monthly bill is generated, which takes into account the monthly consumption and the respective electricity prices.
However, it is possible to issue a SEPA direct debit mandate. The monthly invoice amount will then be automatically debited after the bill is generated.
In the Prokon Energy Portal, the prices for the next 24 hours are published each early afternoon. This allows you to plan your electricity usage 24 hours in advance and see, for example, when it is cheapest to charge your electric car. You can also view the EPEX Spot Day-Ahead prices directly on the EPEX Spot SE website: to EPEX Spot.
A dynamic tariff requires more attention from the consumer to benefit from the advantages of this tariff. However, you don’t need to check electricity prices every hour. To know when prices are particularly favourable, a daily look at the Prokon Energy Portal is sufficient.
Nobody knows how electricity prices will develop in the future. A fixed tariff price can be cheaper if prices rise over a longer period. With Prokon Wind Energy Flex, as the name suggests, you are flexible and can cancel monthly and switch back to a standard tariff from Prokon Wind Energy at any time.
Yes, with our dynamic Prokon wind power, you also get 100 per cent real wind power from our wind farms. The dynamic prices in this tariff are based on the hourly variable prices of the short-term electricity market (spot market).
Mon & Tue: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00
Wed: 8:00 – 12:00 (afternoon only written service)
Thu: 13:00 – 18:00 (morning only written service)
Fri: 8:00 – 12:00
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